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August 30, 2012



It this published in any of the Oracle (like www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/partitioning-070609.pdf) documents or just in online video ?


Mind the initial video was removed from the Youtube channel of VMworldTV one day after it appeared. Someone was clever enough to make a copy and now it is online again.
wonder who requested to have the video deleted?

read the story here


Hmm, I'm not so sure that this issue can be considered closed, given the fact that the original video was removed for whatever reason.

Peter Gram

Could you please get a confirmation from Oracle legal department, since the Oracle official paper on CPU partitioning has not changed ? (http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/partitioning-070609.pdf)

Rob Bergin

Per Oracle

"Oracle does not recognize either (Vmware/DRS Affinity) as a hard partition and therefore all physical processors / cores within the virtual cluster need to be licensed"

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